Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Estate Sale

Well, I finally figured out how to allow Comments on each post. Sorry that I didn't have that enabled the past few days.

Mom's belongings are being prepared for an upcoming estate sell this weekend. She drove down to Tuscaloosa yesterday to save a few more items. I am always nervous when she drives...so I have been on edge until tonight when she arrived home safely. The driving license is going to have to be pulled soon. I hate to do that...it will kill me to do it. I worry about others safety and hers....she drives so slow I doubt she would hurt anyone, but someone could certainly hurt her. I brought up the issue a few times and Mom looks so sad. We live in a small neighborhood with all the modern conveniences a few blocks away, and that is the farthest she ventures --so, I've felt ok about it. It's nice to know she can drive herself to the Pig or to the dentist during the day. However I don't think that I can let her out on the freeway anymore. I would feel awful if something happened....I guess it's time to really start playing the role of the parent. Ugh. I feel like I already have, in a way, but this is going to be haaaaarrrrrdddd. I don't want to make her feel as if her dignity and freedom has been stripped.

My husband just told me that my brother called saying that while Mom was in Tuscaloosa she went to pay her waterbill. The waterbill lady called my brother crying saying how sorry she felt for my Mom. She even took a personal check against policy. My brother assured her that she lived with me and that she certainly wasn't having to go without water. I really need to get that lady's number and let her know everything is ok.

When Mom was in T-town she gathered all my old baby clothes and brought them back. I always read that people with Pick's disease don't feel empathy and warm emotion. I have to think either they diagnosed Mom wrong or she is just that caring of a person that she is lasting much longer on the emotional front than most. I love her so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS - Kevin and I ran around naked and danced in all the rooms of our house while she was gone. We felt so free and uninhibited! Kevin did admit that is wasn't too bad having her live her, though, which made me feel great!!

Signing off,

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